Check out my first LIVE CASE STUDY and watch me build a 300,000+ page site! I show everything – domain, Google analytics, SEO strategy...

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Tag Archives: seo

Social Media is the New SEO.

6 Jul

For any of you who read up on or practice SEO techniques, you know this: the past year and an half has been rough. Google has been releasing major algorithm update after update — each having momentous changes to search engine results. Many businesses have lost their rankings overnight.

Google’s intentions, of course, are good — but the actual results have been horrible. What has resulted is almost an chaotic penalizing of sites. Countless completely whitehat sites have been penalized. The casualties of war, I guess — and Google has admitted to this. Furthermore, Google has also admitted to the existence of Negative SEO, which I find appalling.

The net result is SEO has become an unreliable way to promote your website. I have, unfortunately, learned this first hand.

A more reliable method is Social Media Marketing. For my web startup, the majority of my online marketing methods focus on social media channels.

The premise behind Social Media Marketing is to remain top of mind.

When you log into your Facebook or Twitter or LinkedIn account, you are bombarded with a live, constantly changing feed of updates.  Therefore, to capture your social audience’s attention, you need to constantly provide relevant, engaging updates.

This is difficult. It requires a lot of time and effort.

To address this, I am actually working on launching a new service for webmasters.  This service will put your Social Media Marketing (as well as a good part of your Internet Marketing) on AUTOPILOT.  The techniques used will be completely whitehat. The premise of my service is to automate a lot of what you ought to be doing manually to promote a successful online business.

More on this as the service gets more fleshed out and closer to launch.


5 Sep

Has your site lost considerable organic traffic after Google’s notorious series of Panda updates?  Well, you’re not the only one.  Check out this compilation of traffic statistics for big name sites that have been “pandalized.”

The list of big name sites include the likes of…

  • (stats shown in the image above)

Notice anything interesting?  […]

What is Google Panda?

7 Aug

Last week, I listened to a very interesting and educational webinar about Google Panda.  It was hosted by Guerilla of DripFeedBlasts.

Anyway, for those who want to learn more about the ambiguous topic of Google Panda and its impact on SEO, I highly recommend you check out this video.  Enjoy.


Here’s a live case study with some eye candy. Case of the supermodels.

4 Aug

About a week ago, I stumbled across what may very well be the holy grail of search keywords.  These are keywords that, according to Google AdWords Keyword Tool, have the lowest possible competition (i.e. competition score of 0) and receive tens, if not hundreds, of thousands of local monthly searches.

I am referring to this as the holy grail, because we’re not  talking about a small handful of search keywords.  I’m not talking 5, nor 10, nor even 50 search terms.  I’m referring to hundreds upon hundreds of these keywords that you can dig up in the matter of 30 minutes.

Now, don’t worry.  This is not an eBook sales page and I’m not selling you anything.  You won’t need to spend $17 to discover what this big “secret” is all about.

So what is this holy grail? […]

New case study. Let’s test out Backlinks Genie.

18 Jul

Backlinks Genie is a SEO tool that I came across a few days ago.  It looks incredibly promising for automating the creation of multi-tiered backlink structures.  So, I thought, let’s test this baby out–and make it a live case study while I’m at it.

A couple disclaimers.  One, all the links to BackLinks Genie use my affiliate link.  (Why not?)  So, if you do sign up, I appreciate signing up through me. 🙂  Two, this is my first time testing this out, so it will be very much trial and error.  However, since I do have a lot of experience with SEO and building multi-tiered structures (see SEO Matrix), I have a good handle on how one should leverage this tool.  Third, this will be a short case study.  I’m thinking, 1-2 months.  Hopefully, I can use what I learn from this case study in my next case study, which will be creating a site from scratch (like my first case study).

What is Backlinks Genie?

Backlinks Genie is a SEO tool that allows you to create backlinks on a daily basis.  Each day, you can create a batch of links from a menu of 6 options:

  • 1,000 Blog Comments
  • 2,000 Xrumer profiles (these are forum profile links)
  • 1,000 Social Bookmarks
  • 100 PR4+ Profile Linkwheel
  • 10 Web 2.0 Properties
  • 100 Article Directory Submissions


Here’s my 10K Guarantee.

18 Jul

While most 300K Job Search In-a-Box sites have experienced spectacular indexing results, there have been isolated exceptions.  I want to eliminate these exceptions!

Therefore, I am introducing a new promotion: My 10K Guarantee.  This new promotion is for new Hosted Solution customers only and it goes like this:

  • By the end of month 2, I will guarantee 10K pages indexed for your site.
  • If your site doesn’t reach 10K pages, I will refund your first 2 months.

Here’s the fine print (in normal size font):

  • This is only for the Hosted Solution (as I need to ensure the script is properly installed).
  • You must send me an email once your domain is registered and pointed to my server (2 month count begins from this email).
  • To ensure best indexing results, you must complete all available text blocks within the first week and email me when this is complete.
  • Get in on this promotional offering here: 10K Guarantee promotion.


The SEO Matrix, deconstructed.

27 Apr

The SEO Matrix is a SEO strategy that I created and have been tweaking over the past 6 months or so.  I’ve found it very powerful, since it touches upon all 6 levers to successful SEO strategy.

In fact, in my recent case study, Case of the 300K Site, the only SEO work I did is create 4 SEO Matrices.  In this article, I will explain how the SEO Matrix is constructed and why it’s so effective.

Creating a SEO strategy is essentially designing a backlink infrastructure pointing to your site.  In designing this infrastructure, there are 2 key buckets of questions to address:

  • What are your backlinks? Do you want social bookmarks?  Forum links?  Blog posts?  Article marketing?  Similarly, what’s the proper mix?
  • How do your backlinks interconnect? Which web properties link to your site?  Which link to each other?  How many tiers do you have?

The SEO Matrix is a 4 tiered design, with links (I call these vertices) spanning 8 different types of site categories and that randomly interconnect.  Here is a diagram to help you visualize the SEO Matrix.


Live Case Study: The case of 300,000 pages and counting.

11 Apr

This is my first live case study.  In this case study, I will build and grow an autoscale, autopilot, value-add site from scratch.  The purpose of this case study is to demonstrate techniques in real time.  With the exception of coding the initial site (these activities are tabulated under day 0), everything is done in real time, including domain registration.

The subject of this case study will be a a niche jobs search site, built off the Indeed API. is an established jobs search engine of US-based job opportunities.  They have a publishers program with an API that allows our site to pull the job results.  For job seekers that click through to Indeed, we will also get paid as a publisher.  A nice added bonus, eh?

Our niche job search site will focus on clerical jobs.  Within clerical jobs, we have 3 sections: 1 for accounting jobs, 1 for bookkeeping jobs, and 1 for auditing jobs.

Now, how does the autoscale work?

First, upon launch, the site will have 300,000 pages.  Note, this does not mean all 300K pages will be indexed by Google.  It only means a Googlebot will find 300K unique pages across our site.  Here’s how I came up with that estimate. […]

3 tools I use on a daily basis to help me focus my SEO efforts.

25 Mar

The key take-away from a number of very popular business strategy frameworks is to FOCUS.  This includes Porter’s Five Forces, Blue Ocean Strategy, Bowling Pin Strategy, etc.  This same principle holds true for SEO strategy.

Like myself, I assume you are also a one-man team.  You have a lot of priorities, and so your time and energy is limited.  You may want to conquer your niche, but to do, requires focus.  In conducting SEO, take down a handful of keywords at a time.   Once you have them ranked high, or at least with upwards momentum, expand your list of keywords.

To help myself focus, I use 3 tools (pretty much on a daily basis).  They are all free. 🙂  […]

Understand the 6 levers to SEO.

23 Mar

Search engine optimization is a subject that requires continuous study and practice, because Google is constantly updating its ranking algorithms.  However, there are basic principles of SEO that hold true.  I call these  the 6 levers to SEO.

Whenever you read about specific SEO tactics, it helps to anchor that discussion against these 6 levers.  You want your SEO strategy to span across all 6 levers and not focus on any single one. […]


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