Check out my first LIVE CASE STUDY and watch me build a 300,000+ page site! I show everything – domain, Google analytics, SEO strategy...

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Tag Archives: 300K Page Job Search In-a-Box

Here’s my 10K Guarantee.

18 Jul

While most 300K Job Search In-a-Box sites have experienced spectacular indexing results, there have been isolated exceptions.  I want to eliminate these exceptions!

Therefore, I am introducing a new promotion: My 10K Guarantee.  This new promotion is for new Hosted Solution customers only and it goes like this:

  • By the end of month 2, I will guarantee 10K pages indexed for your site.
  • If your site doesn’t reach 10K pages, I will refund your first 2 months.

Here’s the fine print (in normal size font):

  • This is only for the Hosted Solution (as I need to ensure the script is properly installed).
  • You must send me an email once your domain is registered and pointed to my server (2 month count begins from this email).
  • To ensure best indexing results, you must complete all available text blocks within the first week and email me when this is complete.
  • Get in on this promotional offering here: 10K Guarantee promotion.


Two more testimonials for 300K Job Search In-a-Box – keep ’em coming!

17 Jun

Get in on the Early Bird discount 300K Job Search (Hosted Solution).  Coupons are getting used up fast!

Here are a couple more reviews for this offering. The first is from Jim Saari, who launched

“Thank you for this great script.

To think that I just found it online while browsing is amazing.  That fact also goes to prove that this guy knows what he’s doing.

This is definitely a true autopilot system!

I was really excited about how fast things picked up right from the start.

Project started 7th of June. So far (17th of June) Google has indexed 8500 pages.

Also, everything is set up to plug ads in. I have set up AdSense and CPA offers.

Even the organic traffic has picked up without me doing anything. Analytics says: 94 visits so far. […]

Fresh out of the box – 300K Page Job Search In-a-Box!

20 May

I am very excited to announce the release of 300K Page Job Search In-a-Box.  This is a turnkey solution based off the Case of 300,000 and Counting.

Just like WordPress, all you need to do is download, upload, and configure.   The difference is… with WordPress, out of the box, you have maybe ~10 pages and will need to continuously add content yourself.  With my solution, out of the box, you will have 300,000 pages and it will autoscale with fresh content itself.   In other words, you have an autoscaling, autopilot megasite.  Big difference!

To my blog readers, here’s a link with a 25% discount.  This coupon will also expire after a set number of uses.

25% Discount for 300K Page Job Search In-a-Box

Questions?  Just ask.



300K Page Job Search In-a-Box: Installation Instructions

18 May

Here are the step by step instructions for setting up your 300K Page Job Search In-a-Box site.  We’ll have your megasite up and running in no time! […]

Live Case Study: The case of 300,000 pages and counting.

11 Apr

This is my first live case study.  In this case study, I will build and grow an autoscale, autopilot, value-add site from scratch.  The purpose of this case study is to demonstrate techniques in real time.  With the exception of coding the initial site (these activities are tabulated under day 0), everything is done in real time, including domain registration.

The subject of this case study will be a a niche jobs search site, built off the Indeed API. is an established jobs search engine of US-based job opportunities.  They have a publishers program with an API that allows our site to pull the job results.  For job seekers that click through to Indeed, we will also get paid as a publisher.  A nice added bonus, eh?

Our niche job search site will focus on clerical jobs.  Within clerical jobs, we have 3 sections: 1 for accounting jobs, 1 for bookkeeping jobs, and 1 for auditing jobs.

Now, how does the autoscale work?

First, upon launch, the site will have 300,000 pages.  Note, this does not mean all 300K pages will be indexed by Google.  It only means a Googlebot will find 300K unique pages across our site.  Here’s how I came up with that estimate. […]


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